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The Ukrainian drone attack on the Russian Armavir came shortly after the deployment of three U.S. B-52 bombers to RAF Fairford in England. The bombers arrived at RAF Fairford on Monday, May 20 and Wednesday, May 22 to “integrate with NATO Allies and other international partners to synchronize capabilities and assure security commitments across the U.S. European Command area of responsibility,” according to an Air Force press release.

According to, two of the B-52s were sighted over Sweden, probably yesterday, in an apparent training event with the Swedish navy. “These bombers have significant capabilities and can carry nuclear weapons, making their presence particularly dangerous,” notes.

Then, on May 24, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg escalated the war against Russia by calling on the U.S. to allow the Kyiv regime to attack Russia directly with U.S.-supplied long- range weapons. “The time has come for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have put on the use of weapons they have donated to Ukraine,” he told the editor-in-chief of The Economist in an interview. “Especially now when a lot of the fighting is going on in Kharkiv, close to the border, to deny Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very hard for them to defend themselves.”

A day later, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski joined Stoltenberg in throwing more gasoline on the fire. In an interview with The Guardian Sikorski pushed hard for greater escalation by both the EU and NATO against Russia. In doing so, he also gave a green light for more attacks like that on the Armavir radar station.

According to The Guardian, Sikorski was skeptical about Russian threats to use nuclear weapons, saying: “The Americans have told the Russians that if you explode a nuke, even if it doesn’t kill anybody, we will hit all your targets [positions] in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we’ll destroy all of them.

“I think that’s a credible threat. Also, the Chinese and the Indians have read Russia the riot act. And it’s no child’s play because if that taboo were also to be breached, like the taboo of not changing borders by force, China knows that Japan and Korea would go nuclear, and presumably they don’t want that.”