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In Paris, Biden Announces More U.S. Military Aid to Ukraine

Biden meeting with Zelensky to promise more military aid. Credit: The White House

Yesterday, while President Joe Biden was meeting with Ukrainian Presidet Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Paris, the Administration announced in the readout of that meeting that Biden had promised another military aid package for Ukraine, this one worth $225 million. It “includes air defense interceptors, artillery ammunition, and other critical capabilities.” According to a Pentagon statement, the packge includes missiles for HAWK air defense systems; Stinger anti-aircraft missiles; HIMARS rockets; 155mm Howitzers; 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds; 81mm mortar systems; M113 Armored Personnel Carriers; and various other weapons and equipment.

French President Emmanuel Macron said June 7 that a coalition of countries has agreed to send military trainers to Ukraine, suggesting that plans could come together in the coming days but not offering concrete details, reported the Washington Post. The Post called Macron’s comment, the latest sign that France and other allies may now be willing to, “put NATO country troops on Ukrainian soil, an idea which some allies, including the United States, have long considered potentially escalatory.” Macron on June 7 called Ukraine’s request for in-country training “legitimate” and said several partners have “already given their agreement.”

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