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British Lunatic Proclaims ‘Nuclear Threats Out of Moscow’ All ‘Bluff and Bluster’

British madman and psywar specialist Hamish de Bretton-Gordon is apparently trying to incite a nuclear war, but framed his provocation as an intervention into the British domestic political scene. “It’s high time that the West’s more timid leaders understood that the nuclear threats coming out of Moscow are all ‘bluff and bluster,’ aimed at them and their wobbling lips,” he wrote in a June 14 op-ed in London’s The Telegraph—the same day that Russian President Vladimir Putin made his latest peace offer in addressing the Foreign Ministry leadership and two days after the Schiller Institute’s emergency press conference warning against the threat of nuclear war. “Leftist politicians must realize that it is our nuclear deterrent, in the main, which ensures that Putin will not press the strategic nuclear button. The significance of this deterrent is precisely why the likes of Jeremy Corbyn must never gain power in this country. Starmer, who now seems the odds-on bet to be the next Prime Minister, must hold firm….”

“The tactical nuclear threat peddled by Putin and his gangsters is empty: take it from me, I’ve been countering nuclear terrorism and threats for nearly 40 years,” de Bretton-Gordon goes on. “I suspect, as do most of my ‘intelligent’ chums, that the weapons are in such a state of disrepair that, even if the planes or trucks which carry them can actually move, they may not detonate,” and suggests that Russia’s recent tactical nuclear warheads drills were done with “dummy warheads because the real ones are likely bust.”

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