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Wang Yi Speaks at BRICS Foreign Minister Meeting in Russia

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi today called for the full leveraging of the strategic significance and political impact of “big BRICS,” transforming the group into a new type of multilateral cooperation mechanism that is based on emerging markets and developing countries, globally oriented, and open and inclusive, Global Times reports today.

Wang Yi made the remarks today, while attending the BRICS Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, scheduled for June 10-11. He told the meeting that at present, certain major powers are reviving the Cold War mentality, forming geopolitical “small circles,” and openly resisting UN Security Council resolutions, thereby undermining the authority of multilateral mechanisms. Global Times contrasted the “small circle” of the G7, which is planning an attack on China at their upcoming meeting in Italy, to the inclusiveness of the expanding BRICS, noting the 30 applications to join, including, recently, Türkiye and Thailand.

Within the framework of the Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, a separate meeting will also be held, with the participation of a number of countries of the Global South and East, according to TASS.

Wang Yi also met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on June 10, calling the BRICS an important platform for solidarity and cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries. “The expanded BRICS mechanism will play a key and significant role in creating a more just and equitable global governance system,” Wang said. And China is fully committed to supporting Russia’s work as the BRICS chair, jointly strengthening the BRICS strategic partnership with Russia, promoting unity and self-reliance among the Global South, and voicing strong support for multilateralism and common development. This will ensure a successful start to the “big BRICS cooperation.”

Global Times reports: “During the meeting with Lavrov, Wang Yi said that developing China-Russia relations is a strategic choice made by both sides based on their fundamental interests, in line with global trends and the spirit of the times. It does not target any third party, nor will it be disrupted by external interference, Wang Yi said. China is ready to work with Russia to maintain strategic resolve, explore cooperation potential, overcome external obstacles, and ensure the steady and long-term development of bilateral relations, he noted.”