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Trump in Tulsa: Re-Elect Me Or You'll Get Green Crazies and Mobs

To a super-charged crowd in Tulsa Saturday evening, President Donald Trump resumed his campaign speech mode in an hour and 45 minute presentation , whose recurring theme was, if you don’t re-elect me, you will get green crazies and mobs. Leave aside the media fixation on how big or small the crowd was, the audience and speaker were highly energized, in his first live rally since March. It also appeared that the helter-skelter operations deployed against the Trump campaign included an organized wave of fake advance-booking, then last-minute cancellation of thousands of reservations. Very few masks were worn, and the crowd intermingled as usual, which raises the danger of COVID-19 spread in the coming days. Reports are that six Trump campaign workers have tested positive in recent days.

The thrust of Trump’s message was, “The silent majority is stronger than ever before;” and that people must re-elect him, or they will get the “radical left.” He singled out targets. “Try putting AOC in charge of your energy. That will make the pandemic look like child’s play.” He hit hard in the oil patch, for oil and fracking, and recounted his calls to leaders of oil nations to work on raising and stabilizing prices—Russia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico.

He said that his presidency is “the future of safety and opportunity.” We are “the Abe Lincoln and law and order” party. Look at what we’ve done.” He touched on many of the campaign points he was making three months ago, when the rallies stopped: 300 Federal judges put in office; rebuilding the U.S.A.., the stock market going up, and other things, including praising the killing of Al Baghdadi and Qasem Soleimani. “We took ‘em out.”.

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