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Chinese Foreign Ministry Attacks Barr’s Rabid Attacks on China, but Offers U.S. a Pathway of Cooperation

U.S. Attorney General William Barr leveled violent accusations against China of conducting an “economic blitzkrieg” and carrying out “cyber theft,” at a speech delivered at the University of Michigan on July 16, which was part of a package of speeches, including tirades by National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying delivered a very measured response in her press conference the next day. She offered the pathway of joint work together, but also said that China will support its sovereignty, and not be intimidated by “vilifying attacks” by the United States.

Hua offered the United States the pathway of cooperation, in response to a question from AFP:

“China’s foreign policy on the U.S. remains unchanged. We are willing to grow China-U.S. relations with goodwill and sincerity. A stable China-U.S. relationship not only serves the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but is also necessary for upholding world peace and stability. It is also our due responsibility as the world’s top and second largest economies and UN Security Council permanent members.”

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