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Global Times Editor: China Must Expand Nuclear Arsenal Under U.S. Threat

Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of Global Times, has written a call on China to build more nuclear missiles, as the country is facing unprecedented security challenges from the United States.

“China must be prepared to deal with the next more extreme adventures by the U.S.,” Hu wrote in his Sina Weibo account July 26. “`Hurry up and build more nuclear missiles to deter the U.S. lunatics,’ reads the post. `China having more powerful nuclear arsenal is the most important leverage to keep American arrogance below a safety line. Nothing else is very effective.’”

Hu emphasizes that China will not give up its efforts to resolve various issues through consultation with America, but adds, “`however, it is not up to us. With the U.S. suppressing further, we cannot rule out the possibility that clashes break out between China and the U.S. in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Straits. There will be a contest of wills between China and the U.S., and sufficient nuclear weapons are an indispensable pillar of China’s will,’ Hu wrote.”

Hu’s post says that, at a time the U.S. is pressing closer, China’s national security is facing unprecedented challenges, and “`China was forced to increase its nuclear arsenal, which many people in the world can understand. China must not tie its own hands and make a big mistake,’” Hu’s op-editorial concludes.