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“Is U.K. Trying to Launch Another Opium War Against China?”

That is headline on a Global Times op-ed by Li Qingqing published today. The following excerpts speak for themselves:

“The Financial Times (FT) published a report titled `Britain’s Armed Forces Pivot East To Face Growing China Threat’ on Saturday.… British politicians also recommended a more visible U.K. presence in China’s `sphere of influence’ and to work more closely with allies on `China’s doorstep.’ The U.K. and some other Western countries have long maintained their ideological prejudice against China. They are accustomed to demonizing China while they bask in their old colonial characterizations… .

“The U.K. has been opportunistic with China, swinging from a `golden era’ a few years ago to now regarding China as a `growing threat.’ But how can China impose security threats on a kingdom far away in the Atlantic Ocean? The U.K. is foisting its colonialism and expansionist mind-set upon China.

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