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Pompeo’s Darling U.K.-U.S. “Special Relationship” behind the Coup against Trump—Bill Binney Will Expose the Core Lies at EIR Press Conference July 23

The EIR press conference scheduled for William Binney, a former NSA Technical Director, for July 23, took on heightened prominence today, as key in the drive to expose and bust up the ongoing U.K.-U.S. coup apparatus moving against President Donald Trump, to prevent any realization of his Presidency’s initiatives for friendship diplomacy with Russia and China. In particular, there is a critical opportunity imminent for Trump and leaders of Russia, China, France and Britain to confer on crucial topics at a summit of the Permanent Five of the UN, initiated by President Vladimir Putin.

The topic of the July 23rd press conference is, “William Binney Makes His Case to the World: There Was No Russia Hack.” The special prominence comes in, because Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is in London today—crooning over the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States, when it is clear that Russiagate, the “dodgy dossier,” and all other dirty operations against Trump have a British pedigree. Trump even said July 11, that “ex” MI6 British agent Christopher Steele, should be brought to the U.S. for his crimes—“extradited, tried and thrown in jail.”

Ironically, the U.K. Parliament today released a lunatic report on Russian stealing of the Brexit election and numerous other alleged crimes, while thanking the same discredited Christopher Steele (and other top British intelligence assets), whom Trump correctly identifies as a criminal liar, for his contributions to their report. It appears that the same British team that ran Russiagate against Trump have turned their guns on Prime Minister Boris Johnson as well, especially since he called for an FDR-style “New Deal” on June 30.

Pompeo knows all this. He is the very man who was given the truth by Mr. Binney in October 2017 that there was no 2016 Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee, the core lie used to deploy Russiagate against Trump, all the way through to impeachment. Already, in 2017, President Trump had asked Pompeo, then CIA Director from January 2017 to April 2018, to get the story from Binney. Binney briefed him. But it stopped with Pompeo. Not only no follow-up, but a cover-up ensued. Binney was never asked to testify to Congress. His sworn affidavits in the frame-up cases against Trump associates Roger Stone and Michael Flynn were disallowed by the judges.

Now, Roger Stone, after his sentence was commuted July 10 by President Trump, has spoken out. He said July 13, on Fox News, “There was no Russia collusion.” He cited the expert testimony available from Bill Binney, and Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst. This week’s press conference will tell all.

What of Pompeo? In his visit to London, meeting today with Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, and others, Pompeo couldn’t praise enough the “special relationship,” of the U.K. and the U.S.A., and couldn’t denounce enough Russia and China. Pompeo tweeted yesterday, “Great to be back in London to reaffirm the #SpecialRelationship we share with our closest ally....” On July 23, when back in the U.S., Pompeo will continue his anti-China campaign with a speech to the Nixon Presidential Library, on “Communist China and the Future of the Free World.”

Also today, Defense Secretary Mark Esper spoke by video from the Pentagon, to the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies, lauding the U.S. role in the Indo-Pacific to counter “China’s bad behavior.”

Reviewing these developments, Schiller Institute Chairwoman Helga Zepp LaRouche said today that “The exposure of the British coup is extremely important…Just today, Pompeo was meeting with those forces who may not have instigated the coup, but could have stopped it…. That ‘special relationship’ is the key problem of the confrontation and potential war with Russia and China.” The issue is the danger of war.

In the realm of the economy and combatting the pandemic and food crises, a summit of the P5 heads of state is urgent, to initiate collaboration on priority economic measures. The government packages of safety nets and financial wingdings so far, with few exceptions, are no solutions. This morning at dawn, the European Council approved a “Next Generation EU” program, after four days and nights of wrangling, which one on-the-scene expert calls the “Ecofascist Federal State of Europe.” The economic relief plan, which calls for EU750 billion in grants and loans over five years, not beginning until 2021, initiates EU-wide taxes, budget controls and decrees that, “climate action will be mainstreamed in policies.” This is from the world of unreality.

In the U.S., the White House and Congress started conferring this week on the next anti-COVID-19 economic package, with wrangling over what to do. In Japan, the talk is of the third emergency package to be passed this fall, after $2.2 trillion was spent in the first two plans so far since March. In the Global South, there is no leeway for even any pretense of relief programs. We need a new world system.

Zepp-LaRouche stressed both the economic needs, and ending war threats. “A summit is the necessary framework to bust up the escalating Cold War with China…. The [world] economy is in such a terrible condition, we need the industrial output of all countries working together,” against famine, the pandemic, and to remedy other needs, including the threat of other viruses.

“We have to build up the economies of every single country on the planet,” was her call. Spread the word for the July 23 Bill Binney press conference.