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The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) is ready to export Russia’s Avifavir drug treatment against the coronavirus, since there is a shortage of drugs to fight the COVID-19 virus globally, Sergei Karpukhin reported in TASS July 2. Russia will export more, because U.S. authorities have decided to purchase almost 100% of the remdesivir manufactured by the American firm Gilead Sciences in the coming months, the Russian Fund said in a statement July 2.

TASS reports that Russia had fewer than 7,000 daily COVID-19 cases in the past week, quoting CEO Kirill Dmitriev as saying: “Avifavir is one of the world’s most effective coronavirus drugs and produces better results than its peers, including the US drug Remdesivir made by Gilead Sciences. Given the US authorities’ decision to purchase almost 100% of the manufactured Remdesivir in the coming months and the shortage of effective drugs on the global market, Russia is ready to help other countries in the fight against coronavirus and begin exports of Avifavir. More than 50 countries have already expressed interest in the drug. RDIF and ChemRar intend to expand Avifavir’s production and widen its supply geographically over the coming months.”

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