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Belarus Color Revolution Proceeds According to the Time-Worn Script

The color revolution being carried out in Belarus is following the well-worn script. Now it is reported that failed presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has fled to Lithuania, as if for her life, where Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius proclaimed she was “safe.”

Linkevicius told the national radio LRT that “the main thing is that she is safe, since she was detained in Belarus before and spent about seven hours in detention,” given no details on how she arrived.

Tikhanovskaya called on her supporters to respect Belarusian law and to refrain from going out on the streets. She added that she had made the decision to leave Belarus on her own.

After the election, Tikhanovskaya filed a complaint to the Central Election Committee demanding results of the vote to be declared void, hold a recount or repeat election. She was officially given about 10 percent of the vote, not exactly a close election. Two other presidential candidates who received less than 3 percent of the vote, Andrei Dmitriyev and Sergei Cherechen, announced they will also file a complaint for a recount of the vote

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