Over the centuries, British geopoliticians “wrote the book” on pitting one against another, and playing off all sides, in national and international relations both. Now we see this in the rush of reactions to the hospitalization in Omsk yesterday of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny, a darling of the Western regime-changers, whose illness is posed as a poisoning. Suddenly, according to the British playbook, comes a raft of denunciation of President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump. The charges? Putin poisons people; Trump is his pal. So far, Trump National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien has issued a restrained statement of “concern” over Navalny. But the war party crowd is mobilized. Hillary Clinton, for the Obama/British front, said last night on network TV, that heart attacks and poisonings are “business as usual in Putin’s Russia,” and the U.S. government better speak out publicly. She asserted that there is “no doubt—he has been poisoned.” She hissed that Putin’s Russia is the “kind of regime that Trump supports,” and shows that Trump poses “a clear and present danger.”
This unfolding episode is just the latest, and dramatic, instance of ongoing operations to subvert nations to prevent leadership coming together to work on what is needed to battle common, historic crises of the pandemic, the financial system blow-out, and the collapse of the physical platform sufficient to sustain present and future human life.
In the venue of the United Nations yesterday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tried to bull through his unilateral orders on Iran, to resume various sanctions, under his assertion of authority of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that the U.S. withdrew from in 2018. The immediate result was a coagulation against the U.S. from the E-3—France, Germany and the U.K.—which issued a joint statement. They lined up with the other opposing powers, Russia and China. One observer remarked that Pompeo is like the man who breaks the lease on his apartment, moves out, then claims the right to stop back and use the toilet when he wants to. Undeterred, Pompeo today appeared on media, proclaiming that, “Russia and China talk a good game,” but he will prevail.
It’s a great moment for President Trump to exercise his talent to say, “You’re fired.” Trump himself is campaigning intensely right now. Today, his appearance in Virginia marks the seventh state visited this week. On Monday, Aug. 24, starts the online Republican National Convention, which Trump plans to attend every day.
The message required is the thematic: “economic development is the name for peace”—all the more so, given the need to combat both SARS-CoV-2 and the British geopolitics virus. The U.S. economy is drastically hollowed out and financially unstable, one aspect of which is shown in a new EIR analysis (below) of the impact of the $3 trillion in quantitative easing over the mid-March through May period. During this time, the stocks upvalued by 43% of just six companies of the Standard and Poor’s Index of 500 companies—Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Netflix and Alphabet (parent company of Google), while the value of the other 494 firms combined fell by 4%. This weight of the six gainers allows the S&P 500 Index to claim an overall increase in value of 5%. This kind of thing is called “success” by the likes of Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council for President Trump . Kudlow gave a delusional report yesterday that the U.S. is now in a “very strong rebound,” and a “self-sustained recovery.”
Getting at the truth of these and other matters, and the policies required, are the substance of the dialogue taking place through the “summit process” of discussion in and around the series of international internet conferences by the Schiller Institute, since April. The next one, “War Drive Towards Armageddon, or a New Paradigm Among Sovereign Nations United by Common Aids of Mankind,” over Sept. 5-6 is a must. Spread the word.
This conference is a crucial contribution to support the earliest possible heads of state meeting that can happen, which can be the P-5 (five permanent member states of the UN Security Council—U.S., China, Russia, France, U.K.) that President Putin has called for, and could be in September. Flunky advisers like Pompeo and Kudlow, not welcome.
The Schiller Institute conference invitation states as one of the objectives for heads of state action: “A new security architecture, based on the common economic interest of the world community, which includes the security interest of every single nation. There must be an end to the color revolutions and destabilizations now being orchestrated by the British Empire and its bankrupt financial interests against governments they don’t like—including the destabilizations of the governments of Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin, among others.”