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International Lawyers' Urgent Appeal Against Extradition of Julian Assange to U.S.

More than 100 International lawyers have signed an urgent appeal to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, Secretary of State for Justice Robert Buckland; and the Home Secretary Priti Patel, outlining the illegal and vicious treatment of truth-teller Julian Assange, and demanding his immediate release from prison. The prominent lawyers attack the high British representatives for violating Assange’s fundamental human, civil, and political rights, and the precedent that would be set were this not stopped. Assange should be granted his long-overdue freedom — from torture, arbitrary detention, deprivation of liberty, and political persecution, they write.

At issue is the extradition of Assange to face what these lawyers from around the world call a “show trial” at the infamous “Espionage court“ of the Eastern District of Virginia, at which, they say, “No national security defendant has ever succeeded,” and point to the tainted jury pools dominated by those who work for the CIA, National Security Agency, Department of Defense, or Department of State.

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