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Minneapolis Residents Seek To "Defend" Local Police, Rather Than "Defund" Them

While calls to “Defund the Police"— originating from the likes of the George Soros-funded Black Lives Matter movement— may sound good to liberals and anarchists, the people who actually live on the streets of America’s cities are in no way convinced of that.

Within days of the widely publicized June 7 “pledge” by the Minneapolis City Council to “defund” the police — followed up with the revelation of a hastily-produced plan to reshuffle the MPD’s controlling bureaucracy — leaders in the city’s lower income North Side community were voicing their doubts. “I know on one side of the city, it looks beautiful for defunding to happen,” Keion Franklin told the Minneapolis Star Tribune on June 24, “But here on this side of the city, I’m scared if you defund the police.… Is it going to turn into World War III over here?” Franklin had just narrowly survived a shootout, in broad daylight, on his way home from work.

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