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Where COVID Is Defeated in the U.S.—Hint: Major League

CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield has stated that the U.S. needs to get to the level of around 10,000 new cases of COVID per day, with a positivity rate below 3%. At that point, there can be great confidence in the traditional method of testing, tracing and isolating, to put an end to the menace.

Imagine that you have a high school with a couple of thousand students and staff. Two days before opening, everyone is tested for COVID-19 and 40, or 2%, are positive. They are quarantined and not allowed back in until well and testing free of the coronavirus. Over the first 40 days, everyone gets a test every other day. Of those 40,000 or so tests, there are 60 positives, a rate down to 0.15%. During that time, every infected person went through the same quarantine and their contacts were traced and tested. Every week the rate declined, so that in the final week, the positivity rate is down to 0.1%. No spikes, and everything proceeding in a manageable fashion. There is one place in the country where this is what happened. Welcome to major league baseball.

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