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Humanitarian Catastrophe Looms in Gaza Strip, as COVID Cases Soar Amidst Acute Shortages of Medical Supplies

A dire humanitarian crisis looms for the Gaza Strip due to the outbreak of COVID-19, and acute shortages of medical supplies and equipment to treat it, Xinhua reported Sept. 21. According to ReliefWeb Sept. 18, some 1,500 cases had been confirmed in the previous three weeks, soaring from 13 to 1,500 cases, among a population of 1.9 million people, living in very crowded quarters. Gaza’s two major hospitals are overwhelmed, such that additional infected people are being housed in 18 overflow facilities. Another 8,500 people are in home quarantine. Authorities are struggling to contain surging community transmission.

Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qedra, told Xinhua that they have only enough PCR tests (for COVID) to last two days, which “would cause a catastrophe.“ Complicating the situation is the fact that there are also severe shortages of medical supplies needed to treat patients with weak immune systems, who are suffering from other ailments, such as cancer, heart and kidney disease. Overall, living conditions in Gaza are subhuman—with little access to vital services. All schools are closed, but with no electricity, internet or cell phone services, children are unable to access any distance learning that might be available.