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British Mouthpiece The Economist, Asserts ‘Why It Has To Be Biden’

The British Empire makes even more prominent its controlling role in the four- year insurrectionary coup against President Donald Trump and America’s Constitution in an Oct. 29 editorial in its one and three-quarters century-old house organ, The Economist, titled, “America’s Election—Why It Has To Be Biden.” The editorial is accompanied by a cartoon depicting the White House with a shredded American flag on top of it.

The Economist, which is virulently anti-Hamiltonian, and a defender of the British System of looting, says of Trump that “In the past four years he has repeatedly desecrated the values, principles and practices that made America a haven for its own people and a beacon to the world.” This is the same British Economist that during America’s Civil War, in its pages, supported the British-steered Confederacy’s attempt to destroy the American nation, and decimate the principles of our nation.

They continue: “As the guardian of America’s values, the conscience of the nation and America’s voice in the world, he has dismally failed to measure up to the task…. Faced by an outpouring of peaceful protest [!] after the killing of George Floyd, his instinct was not to heal, but to depict it as an orgy of looting and left-wing violence—part of a pattern of stoking racial tension…. The most head-spinning feature of the Trump presidency is his contempt for the truth. Nothing Mr. Trump says can be believed—including his claims that Mr. Biden is corrupt.”

The British want to save the Bush-league neocon control of he Republican Party. “As anti-Trump Republicans argue, Trumpism is morally bankrupt,” the editors write. “Their party needs a renaissance. Mr. Trump must be soundly rejected.” To back this up they also publish an interview with John Bolton, who says after defeating Trump there must be a new Republican Party, and that Donald Trump is “a crazy uncle tweeting from the basement.” Sounds like Biden, doesn’t it? Bolton, however, calls Biden “a man of character.”

In the section of The Economist entitled, “President Joe,” they single out the quality that would make Biden a ‘worthwhile’ President: “He listens to expert advice, even when it is inconvenient.” Listening to that advice without questioning. This would be the expert advice of the City of London and the British Foreign Office.

In its lying endorsement of Biden, in its diktat to the American people, the British revealed where his policy would come from, were he to seize the White House.