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Senators Johnson, Grassley Slam Wray for More Stalling on FBI Disclosures

Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee and Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Senate president pro tem, have sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, demanding compliance with full disclosure, not partial handover, of text messages belonging to former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, as part of their pursuit of the Crossfire Hurricane operation. Wray and the FBI have been “slow-walking” production of the documents—first requested on Aug. 6 by Johnson’s Committee—in hopes of a Biden victory in November.

According to Fox News, which interviewed the Senators—and claims to have seen the letter, which has not yet been made public—the two are demanding that “records actually be produced to the Committee, not merely made available for review in a reading room.” Emphasizing that the information that has already been released reveals “what might be the most outrageous abuse of power in U.S. history against a presidential candidate and sitting President,” they add (in an understatement) that the Bureau’s actions so far have been “simply unacceptable.” They say that only some 8% of all the relevant material has been turned over.

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