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Climate Radicals Want EU Agricultural Policy Scrapped - Food Is Anti-Climate

After a meeting with EU Commission Vice President Frans Timmerman in Brussels on Wednesday, Greta Thunberg and other climate radicals denounced the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) as “missing the target of a real change.“ There was still too much room left for compromises which in their view were always foul ones and not doing anything to protect the climate right now, Thunberg charged at a virtual press conference.

“The time for small steps in the right direction is over,” Thunberg said, attacking also the Greens at the European Parliament for having changed their original policy target from scrapping the CAP to just fixing it. Asked by EURACTIV if she thinks the reform could still be aligned with the Paris Agreement during the ongoing negotiations, Thunberg said: “We need to treat the climate crisis as a crisis [and not] pretend that we can fix the CAP with small quick fixes... MEPs (Members of Euro-Parliament—ed.) are more than happy to vote for targets set ten or twenty years in the future, but when it is something to impact right here, right now, they won’t touch it.”

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