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Trump Derangement Syndrome is a terrible thing to watch. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that Covid-19 vaccines must be prevented from getting to the elderly for two months, because Donald Trump is still the President. It seems that not enough elderly were killed by sending the virus-infected back into the care facilities.

Asked by George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning America” about the success of the Pfizer vaccine, Cuomo went off. “It’s good news, bad news, George. The good news is that the Pfizer tests look good and we’ll have a vaccine shortly. The bad news is that it’s about two months before Joe Biden takes over and that means this [present] administration is going to be implementing a vaccine plan....They’re going to take this vaccine and they’re going to go through the private mechanism: through hospitals, through drug market chains, etc.. That’s going to be slow and that’s going to bypass the communities that we call health care deserts…. [Y]ou have two months and we can’t let this vaccination plan go forward the way the Trump Administration is designing it. Biden can’t undo it two months later. We’ll be in the midst of it. I’ve been talking to governors across the nation about that — how can we shape the Trump Administration vaccine plan to fix it or stop it before it does damage.”

Cuomo knows, or should have known, that the vaccine distribution plan — overseen by Gen. Gustave Perna, the chief logistics officer for the Army for decades now — for November-January involves getting 80 million vaccine doses to nursing homes, frontline medical personnel, first responders, and the at-risk. (No one but Cuomo has yet challenged the General’s competence for getting the vaccine out rapidly.) That’s what Cuomo is on a rampage to stop. Vaccines for the general population are not even an issue until the February-April period.

Rest assured, however — between Cuomo and Dr. “Easy-kill” Emanuel, the Biden crowd can make sure that everyone is endangered.