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Death Culture in the Era of the Great Reset

The COVID-19 pandemic has found a society deeply corroded by the culture of death which the Malthusian oligarchy has promoted for decades. In the context of artificial scarcity of medical care, euthanasia against the elderly, the weak, and the poor is making giant goosesteps in some countries. Here are some known cases.

1) A senior physician at the University Clinic in the German city of Essen has been arrested under the suspicion of having killed two COVID-19 patients with a lethal injection. The young age of the physician, 44, is a clue to the vulnerability of post-1989 generations to the culture of death promoted by the oligarchy.

2) German ARD television broadcast a fiction movie on Nov. 23, entitled “God,” on the issue of assisted suicide for a healthy, 78-year-old man who wanted to terminate his life, after his wife has died. The movie was followed by a “debate” aimed at brainwashing the viewers, and a poll that reportedly resulted in 70.8% of the viewers being in favor of the lethal injection. (The movie is based on a play, Gott by Ferdinand von Schirach, obsessed with the figure of his grandfather Baldur von Schirach, onetime head of the Hitler Youth.) Background: on Feb. 26, 2020, the German Constitutional Court had ruled in favor of “one’s freedom to take his/her own life and for that, seeking assistance by third parties and accepting assistance if offered.”

3) In Switzerland, where ICU capacity has been exhausted, the Society for Intensive Medicine has issued a statement Nov. 16, inviting “all those who are particularly vulnerable to the new coronavirus … to reflect on whether, in the framework of a Biological Testament, they want to receive a life-support treatment or not. On that basis, one’s relatives as well as the teams in the intensive care will be supported in the decision to take in order to find the best possible treatment according to the individual will of the patient.”

4) In some cases in Italy where local hospitals are overwhelmed by COVID patients, triage has been implemented, however not on the basis of life expectancy but on the basis of better survival chances. This means that an older patient without comorbidities gets priority over a younger one with one or comorbidities etc. In the San Carlo Hospital in Milan, personnel have revolted against such conditions. Fifty medical doctors have signed an internal paper exposing the fact that they are forced “to make choices that are neither clinically nor ethically tolerable” and “to delay access to therapies and techniques.”