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Greens’ National Development Bank: Vector for Digital Currency in U.S.

The (Bernie Sanders) Justice Democrats, the force behind the “progressive” congressional legislators including AOC, are the leading edge of “greening” Joe Biden’s grandiose plans. This includes the efforts to implement the Great Reset program of negative interest rate bank bailouts through the introduction of a digital currency.

Through the New Consensus, their self-proclaimed “think tank,” Justice Dems have submitted a seven-page memo to Biden, on “Building Back Better with or without Senate Majority.” The key, they argue, is the involvement of the Federal Reserve in “recovery” efforts. The detailed plan calls for the creation of a National Development Council, which would include the President, Vice President, relevant cabinet members and legislative leaders, but also, “the Secretary of the Treasury [and] the Chair of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.” The new NDC is to be a reformulated version of the (Dodd-Frank) Financial Stability Oversight Council, as was spelled out in an August 2020 research paper by Cornell University Law School’s Robert Hockett, which is linked to in the memo.

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