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United Kingdom Issues Green Bond to Carry Out Green Genocide; Foreshadows Biden Policy

The UK government announced Nov. 9 that it would issue its first “green bonds” to fund investment in its handling of the climate crisis and aid the ‘recovery’ from the pandemic, the United Kingdom’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak stated, the Nov. 9 British Independent reports in a story headlined, “Climate Crisis: UK to Issue First Green Sovereign Bonds to Help Fund Transition to Net Zero.”

Moreover, the government wants to “renew the UK’s position as the world’s preeminent financial center,” following Brexit, Sunak vowed in testimony to the British House of Commons. This means that the City of London and the Bank of England, would be the center of $40 trillion in world financial flows, which would be funneled into green fascist projects, which would include radical Schactian depopulation.

This represents a severe warning to the United States that this will be its fate, unless President Donald Trump is enabled by mobilized Americans, to serve his second term as President.

This global process is run by Prince Charles, who since the 1990s, methodically set up about 20 institutions to establish “green finance,” that coordinate with the City of London and the Bank of England’s Financial Stability Board. Joining in this work is Mark Carney, former head of the Bank of England, who praised Charles publically for setting up this network, and Sir Michael Bloomberg.

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