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Oliver Stone Asks President Trump to Pardon Assange and Snowden

Filmmaker Oliver Stone, who has brought many “Deep State” actions to the public in America and worldwide, tweeted President Donald Trump on Dec. 3 that the President should pardon whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. Stone tweeted in three parts: “Why @realDonaldTrump should pardon @Snowden & #Assange: 1. It will take the edge off his pardons for his family & loyalists by being unselfish and not self-serving. And at the least, confound his many critics — as well as future historians.”

And “Replying to @TheOliverStone 2. It will drive his enemies in #DeepState and #Media absolutely nuts! A reproof to @BarackObama’s #DOJ, a shock to @JoeBiden, and a well-deserved finger to one of the worst of the bad losers, @HillaryClinton, who essentially started this 4 years of destructive disinformation.Oliver Stone”

And last: “@TheOliverStone Dec 3 A pardon of @Snowden and #Assange would be a great shock to this world, and reflect well on @realDonaldTrump. Despite all the negatives he’s created, it will be seen as a purely merciful action. It will not be forgotten.”

Assange, who is being held in Britain’s Belmarsh prison, faces a sentence of up to 175 years in U.S. prison if convicted of charges of conspiring to hack government computers and for violating the 1917 Espionage Act for “unlawfully obtaining and disclosing classified documents related to the national defense,” according to The Hill.

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