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WFP's Beasley Insists, To Drive Out Hunger There Must Be Peace

A short video prepared by the World Food Program director David Beasley, which was retweeted today by Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche, warns that all the major food crises in the world today—8 out of 10— are caused by man-made conflicts. “Conflict drives hunger,” he warns, adding that “a truly perfect storm is coming our way with conflict, climate shocks and now COVID-19.” Nearly 270 million people are “marching toward the brink of starvation.” The situation next year, he intoned, will be worse, “unless decisive action is taken….That starts with ending the wars.” Thus, he said, he is joining with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in calling for a global ceasefire, “because without peace we cannot end world hunger, and while there is hunger we will never have peace.”

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