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City of London's Economist Panicked That Trump and His Support Base Aren't Going Away

The Economist, the British Empire’s mouthpiece, devotes its Jan. 9 edition to a multi-thousand word, shoe-pounding attack against Donald Trump, stating with regards to its package, entitled, “Trump’s Legacy: The Shame and Opportunity,” that “be in no doubt that Donald Trump is the author of the attack on the heart of American democracy.” Yet despite dredging up myths and lies against the President, The Economist, and its controllers in the City of London and British monarchy, cannot shout away one reality: Donald Trump and the portions of the population that brought him into the Presidency, are not going anywhere, and their hatred for the City of London-Wall Street policies that destroy economies, and of endless regime-change war, will not dissipate. Hence The Economist's panic.

One of the most vitriolic articles against Trump is entitled, “After the Insurrection: The Terrible Scenes on Capitol Hill Illustrate How Donald Trump Had Changed His Party; and How Hard It Will Be To Rid It of Him.” The article characterizes Trump as isolated and spinning out myths, and never states what Trump’s policy is. Yet, after lying that Trump was associated with pipe bombs placed at the offices of the Republican and Democratic parties, it voices its real concern over the “troubling” nature of the Senate session “that the insurrectionists interrupted.” “Over two-thirds of Republican members of the House of Representatives and over a quarter of Republican senators were on the verge of voting to magic Mr. Trump’s defeat into victory.” This is isolation?

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