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Consequences of the Green Deal Are Electric Cars without Electricity—Crazy!

Last December, Toyota head Akio Toyoda warned that transition to electro-mobility will cost over a trillion dollars and the national infrastructure would collapse under the increased electricity demand in Japan. Decarbonization of mobility would also cost several hundred thousands jobs in Germany, warned a National Platform for Mobility (NPM) report in January 2020. The NPM is a working group at the German Environment Ministry chaired by the head of the IG Metall metalworkers union Jörg Hoffmann.

EIR has elaborated the figures laid out by Toyoda and by the German study, for the whole of Europe, producing a rough estimate of the consequences of transition to e-mobility in terms of job losses and costs. The projection is linear and does not take into account other factors and the fact that a complete transition, as planned, will probably be impossible.

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