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'Davos Agenda' Preview: ‘Stakeholder Capitalism’ for Zero Carbon Depopulation—the Great Reset

Five top leaders of the World Economic Forum gave a virtual press conference Jan. 18, based in Geneva, to preview their “Davos Agenda Week” five-day online conference, which starts Jan. 25. The schedule of the dozens of sessions, panelists and topics was posted Jan. 18 on the WEF website. Lots of talk about “trust us”!

Beginning with WEF founder and CEO Klaus Schwab, the speakers talked for a half-hour, stressing how many heads of state would be participating. It was conspicuous how the infamous terms “Great Reset,”and “green finance” were not used at all, despite the fact that WEF promotional publicity bills the purpose of next week being “to roll out the Great Reset Initiative.” Finally, a Handelsblatt reporter asked them about the “Great Reset,” and Schwab spoke in code about how the Great Reset means “cooperation between business, government and society.” WEF official Sarita Naya said that business must be brought into line on “zero carbon” by 2050. “We’re at a turning point,” said Schwab. “Business is embracing stake-holder capitalism,” which means “social, environmental and good governance.” There will be a formal announcement next week on how to enforce ESG metrics on business—environmental, social and governance standards.

The WEF is releasing a book next week, on how industry and business must comply with the Zero Carbon campaign, titled, Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet. The WEF briefing said they will hold dozens of events, leading up to their in-person Singapore annual WEF meeting in May, followed by the G7, then the G20, the September UN 2021 Food Systems Summit, the Biodiversity COP15 event, and the November COP26 in Glasgow. Schwab pledged “a mobilization” for “rebuilding” and “re-setting” our world economy.

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