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In a Global Action Rally for Yemen, Jan. 25, calling for an end to the war, both U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) and former British Labour Party leader, MP Jeremy Corbyn, committed to introduce motions in their legislatures against the war on Yemen. Representative Khanna renewed his support for introducing a War Powers Resolution with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) aimed at stopping the war in Yemen. MP Corbyn announced that he had introduced an Early Day Motion opposing the British government’s support for the war.

Both participated together with other lawmakers from Ireland, France and Greece, as well as activists and celebrities, in a webinar coordinated with the International Action Day 4 Yemen, led by the Yemeni Alliance Committee, Action Corps, CODEPINK, and Stop the War UK. The actions included protests in more than 30 cities across the United States, Canada, and Europe. More than 385 organizations across 25 countries supported the call—the biggest international anti-war coordination since the campaign against the Iraq War. The day was chosen to occur after the U.S. presidential inauguration to put pressure on President Joe Biden to hold him to his word to end the U.S. participation in the war.

On the same day, millions of Yemenis, according to local media, took to the streets from altogether 24 city squares in 12 provinces to protest the decision by the former U.S. government to start the process to designate the leaders of Yemen as terrorists. The protests were titled “The American Siege and Aggression Are Terrorist Crimes.”

See: and

Pictures from mass marches in Yemen can be seen here:

and here|-Protest-Across-the-Country-against-Ongoing-Saudi-War-and-Blockade.htm