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Poll Finds Trump Impeachment Trial Will `Cause More Division’ in U.S.

Most Americans believe that the Senate impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump will only “cause more division” in the U.S., a Rasmussen Reports survey released Jan. 28 found. The survey was taken Jan. 25-26, Hannah Blau from Fox News reported. It asked, “Will the Senate trial on Trump’s impeachment help unite the country, or will it cause more division? Or will it not make much difference?” Some 57% overall said it will only serve to divide the country, compared to 19% who said it will help “unite” the country. Another 20% saw not much difference, and 4% had no opinion. Republicans are significantly more likely to believe that the proceedings will divide the country—83% compared to the 9% who answered that it would unite the nation.

Democrats are virtually split across the board. A plurality, 35%, said the trial will unite the country; 31% said it will not make a difference, and 30% said it will divide the nation further. The majority of voters outside of either major party—61%—also believe the trial will divide the country. And half of those surveyed do not believe that Trump should be convicted for “high crimes and misdemeanors,” compared to 45% who said he should be.

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