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Vereycken on CGTN: Biden Must `Find the Guts’ To Cooperate with China and Russia

Jan. 31 (Nouvelle Solidarité)—On Sunday Jan. 31, Karel Vereycken, the Vice-President of Cheminade’s Solidarité & Progrès party in France, was invited by the Chinese TV channel CGTN’s “Zoom In” weekly program to comment on the future of U.S.-China and U.S.-Russia relations.

Asked about the recent U.S. aggressive statements against China, Vereycken said he “hoped that this was for domestic consumption. Other voices do exist. A memo sent to Biden by some globalist advisors to JPMorgan Chase warns against decoupling from China because the global supply chains are too integrated and doing so would hurt the U.S. economy especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. They even call on Biden to ‘engage’ with China.”

“However,” said Vereycken, “the foreign policy team chosen by Biden clearly has the record of evil, fervent interventionists. Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken, after all, was the man that convinced Senator Biden in 2002 to back the U.S. war against Iraq. He also pushed Obama to launch the disastrous war against Libya in 2011 and armed the so-called `rebels’ to overthrow the legitimate government of Syria.

“Avril Haines, Biden’s choice as Director of National Intelligence, was the person working with [Obama’s CIA Director] John Brennan to organize and steer Obama’s targeted assassinations by drones. And Kurt Campbell, nominated as Biden’s `Asia Tsar,’ is not only the co-founder of the Center for a New American Security, but also the man who crafted Obama’s `Asia Pivot’ policy. Campbell was also the promoter of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue among the U.S., Australia, Japan and India, an `Asian NATO’ to counter China’s supposed quest for domination.

“These are all bad precedents. So, for me the question is: will these officials become the `new Pompeos’ or will Biden find the guts to work out something different. If no major provocation is organized by the war party, cooperation in the name of climate could be a domain to explore, under the condition that means working with China on space exploration and on the development of clean and cheap energy such as fusion power.”

Asked what he made of the phone call between Biden and Putin, Vereycken responded: “The fact that the U.S. offered the immediate extension of the New START Treaty, which was to expire on Feb. 5, is excellent news. But sanctions on Russia remain and Biden declared Nord Stream 2 was a ‘bad idea from the beginning.’ Now if Biden wants Germany to drop its coal plants to ‘save’ the climate, he cannot argue at the same time for halting Russian gas supplies. While Trump wanted to sell U.S. gas to the EU, Biden wants to favor his friends in Ukraine, where he played a role and where his son occupies major positions in energy companies. Biden also might want to get into an alliance with Russia to break it away from China, but that I think, is doomed to fail.”