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Bill Gates Recommends, Let Them Eat...Plants! Synthetic Beef on the Menu

In an interview published Feb. 16 with the MIT Technology Review to promote his new book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, Malthusian Bill Gates proposed that developed nations stop eating beef altogether, and instead embrace tasteless synthetic beef, the Washington Times reported Feb. 16. Switching “100%” to synthetic beef is really “required” to save the planet, and curb greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change, Gates insisted. Of course, Gates is a big investor in several startups that produce and peddle this so-called food.

“Bill Gates’s Plan To Destroy Animal Agriculture,”declared the headline to an article in the Feb. 16 edition of National Review. Wrote author Wesley J. Smith: “Not only would those involved in the raising of beef cattle — and eventually, all meats — be driven out of business, but food processors, growers of feed grain, etc…. Doing away with cattle would upend major industries throughout the economy.… Talk about an authoritarian mindset!” This is the Davos crowd’s “Great Reset,” Smith charges.

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