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Pompeo's `China Genocide’ Came from a Single Jamestown Foundation Report

January charges made by outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, that China was guilty of “genocide” in its treatment of the Uighur minority in Xinjiang—charges which have now been repeated by both President Joe Biden and his new Secretary of State Antony Blinken—have been shown to be the fantasy of neo-con Jamestown Foundation scribbler Adrian Zenz.

In a Feb. 18 posting on The Grayzone, authors Max Blumenthal and Gareth Porter expose the background report, a June 2020 paper by Zenz, titled “Sterilizations, IUDS, and Mandatory Birth Control: The CCP’s Campaign To Suppress Uighur Birthrates in Xinjiang,” a paper published by the Jamestown Foundation. Zenz is further described by the two as “a right-wing German researcher affiliated with the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.” Blumenthal’s and Grayzone’s extensive exposés of Zenz’s lies about China and Xinjiang date back at least to 2019.

Just days after the 2020 publication of Zenz’s latest diatribe against China in Xinjiang, Pompeo issued his first statement denouncing China’s alleged policy of “forced sterilization, forced abortion, and coercive family planning,” personally crediting “Adrian Zenz’s shocking revelations.” Articles citing the claim quickly appeared in BBC, AP, and CNN, and BBC “demographic genocide,” leading to its repetition by Biden on the campaign trail in August.

Biden’s accusation sparked a rare reprisal by Xinhua, which, although not mentioning Biden, singled out Zenz specifically, calling his allegations “baseless,” and further cited demographic data from the 2018 Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences which showed that, not only had the population of Xinjiang actually increased in the last 10 years, but also that the percentage of the Uighur “minority” had grown as well. “With the continuous economic and social development in Xinjiang, the living conditions of people of all ethnic groups have fundamentally improved, which has promoted the steady improvement of population quality,” the Academy reported.

In their lengthy exposé of Zenz (today reposted to ConsortiumNews), Blumenthal and Porter include colorful graphics showing the population growth rates, further characterizing him as a “daffy data diver” who cherry-picked data to make his point. The Grayzone did a report on Zenz in 2019, showing him to be a fundamentalist in the image of Timothy LaHaye, author of the “Left Behind” series: Infatuated with the Rapture, Zenz claimed he had been “led by God” to defeat the Communist Party of China.