As if on queue, less than 24 hours after the Draghi government was sworn in, a court has ordered the shutdown of all blast furnaces of the Taranto steel plant, the largest steel plant in Europe and the only full-cycle plant in Italy. The order was motivated by pollution produced by “malfunctioning” of the plant.
The Taranto steel plant (former ILVA) has been a target of prosecutors backed by malthusian jacobins for decades, most recently by the M5S, but an agreement had been reached last December, by which government would partially takeover the plant and start a gradual remediation of CO2 and polluting emissions. The new court decision, backing an earlier decision by the green Taranto mayor, is now ordering the shutdown of the plant, on which 20,000 families depend.
M5S and other green idiots propose hydrogen as an alternative, but steel experts explain that hydrogen can only partially replace coal and that the technology is still in an experimental phase. Furthermore, it would need an enormous amount of electricity to be produced, which means more coal plants and still a large amount of coal to produce steel.