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Bloomberg News, owned by Sir Michael Bloomberg, attacked China’s energy policy as presented in documents obtained from the National People’s Congress, in a March 5 article, “China’s New Green Target Still Means Pumping Too Much Pollution.” Bloomberg’s unrestrained fury is that China, a sovereign nation, will not submit to follow what Prince Charles and Bloomberg himself have laid down as what its policy must be.

Concocted by a Bloomberg team, the article, begins:

“China’s first road map to achieving net zero emissions by 2060 may be too slow to stop the world’s biggest polluter from hastening global warming.”

It states, the “country’s 14th five year plan, released later that morning [March 5] , was awash with ways to increase the use of renewable energy by 2025. But when it came to greenhouse-gas emissions—the key metric that will determine whether the world reins in a global temperature increase—Friday’s announcements were disappointing. Beijing didn’t set a hard target for the emissions, nor did it bring forward from 2030 the date it expects them to peak. The only carbon goal announced – reducing emissions per unit of gross domestic product by 18% over 5 years [a 3% compounded yearly rate]—was the same as in 2016.”

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