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`Explosive Mix of Soaring Food Prices and Conflict Drives Up Hunger by a Third across West Africa,’ Writes WFP

The hunger situation in Africa continues to deteriorate, as relief efforts are overwhelmed with new crises, and receive little help in response to their calls. In an April 16 release under the above title, the World Food Program warned that “more than 31 million people in [western Africa] are expected to [become] food insecure and unable to feed themselves during the coming June-August lean season – the period when food is scarce before the next harvest. That number is more than 30% higher than last year and is the highest level in the best part of a decade.

“Food prices have increased dramatically across the region. Local staples are up by nearly 40% over the 5-year average, and in some areas, prices are up by more than 200%. This is caused in part by the economic impact of measures put in place to contain the spread of the coronavirus over the past year. People’s incomes have plummeted due to reductions in trade, tourism, informal activities and remittances.”

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