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Montana Legislature Becomes First To Pass Bipartisan Resolution for End to Endless War

The Montana state legislature overwhelmingly passed an unprecedented resolution April 20 calling on the federal government to end endless wars. The resolution passed 95-3 in the House and 47-2 in the Senate, a fully bipartisan accord.

Rep. Ron Marshall (R-Hamilton) co-introduced House Joint Resolution 9, which is the first of its kind introduced in the United States.

The resolution urges President Joe Biden and the United States Congress to “end the endless war in Afghanistan,” repeal the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force, resist sending U.S. troops into combat without a declaration of war from Congress or specific authorization to deploy forces, and to “execute a prudent foreign policy.”

Concerned Veterans for America, a veteran-run organization, endorsed the resolution. Ross Duerstine, the organization’s deputy director, said in a statement that “the passing of the Endless War resolution is a firm statement—a strong message on behalf of Montanans that there is a better way than continuing to fight endless wars.”

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