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Söder Says Greens Are Preferential Coalition Partner for CDU/CSU

CSU party chairman Markus Söder, who has recommended green issues and a potential coalition with the Greens before, yesterday had positive words on Green Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock: “She does not have government experience but she has her life experience, and the model of a young candidate has found many supporters in Finland, Denmark and New Zealand.” He said he is taking seriously the “fresh and modern candidacy” of Baerbock.

Söder also proposed a Christian Democratic coalition with the Greens, saying “naturally the FDP would be the easier partner, but the Greens are more attractive ... the environment is more than decoration, it is central.” Söder said that in contrast to CDU/CSU Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet whose views are a remake of former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, he is for a “more modern program, which includes climate, species variety, and digitization.”

The Baerbock candidacy has led to an increase in the Greens’ ratings: the FORSA polling team found that whereas the CDU/CSU is hovering at 29%, the Greens have improved to 25%. The SPD is at 15%, the AfD, the FDP at 9% and Linke at 7% in this poll.