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Un-Scientific Un-American Praises Biden's Carbon Lunacy, Denounces Russia and China

Headline in the April 23 Scientific American: “U.S. Commits to Greater CO2 Reductions, China and India Do Not.” The article, taken from E&E News, which is owned by Politico, says that Biden, Blinken and Kerry were “shaking off years of denial and embracing steep cuts to carbon emissions that scientists say might keep global warming in check.” But, they report, sadly: “Biden’s plea, and his new climate plan, didn’t propel many of the world’s major contributors of greenhouse gases into action. China, the top emitter worldwide, resisted diplomatic pressure to reduce its carbon output over the next 10 years. So did India, Russia and Australia. That raises the likelihood that atmospheric temperatures could eventually exceed 2° Celsius, a point at which scientists say the world faces dangerous forms of ecological distress.” Get ready for the holocaust, the sky is falling!

The reference to Australia is interesting. Although Prime Minister Scott Morrison is in a brawl with China, shutting down Belt and Road projects launched by the state of Victoria, he is not a sucker for the global warming hoax, pointing out it would destroy his country: “Our goal is to get there as soon as we possibly can, through technology that enables and transforms our industries, not taxes that eliminate them, and the jobs and livelihoods they support and create, especially in our regions.”

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