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Under the title “Does Blinken know what the rule of law is?” the Global Times editorial today hits the hypocrisy of Secretary Biden, who on Thursday tweeted: “The United States stands with the people of Hong Kong and rejects the sentencing of activists for attending a Tiananmen commemoration. All those imprisoned for nonviolent exercise of guaranteed freedoms should be freed immediately.”

The editorial reads: We cannot help but want to ask Mr Blinken: Do you know what the rule of law is?” They do not address the fact that the US has totally abandoned any intention to follow the rule of law, invading and bombing nations at will, imposing illegal unilateral sanctions on dozens of nations, in some cases causing mass starvation and death.

Instead, the editorial simply points out that the activists, and in some cases vandals, arsonists and terrorists who participated or organized the mass violence in Hong Kong in 2019, were duly tried under the law, most confessed to their crimes, and were sentenced by the judicial system.

“The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government hasn’t intervened in the trials from the beginning to the end,” they point out. “Mr Blinken, you demanded Hong Kong release these criminals, doesn’t this violate the principle that executive power shouldn’t interfere with the judiciary? As an outsider, on what ground are you asking the Hong Kong court to change the verdict? Does Blinken really have no legal common sense? Such a possibility is very small. We can only conclude that Washington, represented by people like Blinken, doesn’t respect the rule of law in Hong Kong at all, nor does it care about whether the city’s stability and prosperity are undermined. What they truly care about is that they have to try their best to maintain their political leverage in Hong Kong and make the city a `card’ that they can play at any time.”

They continue: “Hong Kong was in such chaos two years ago, but the US referred to it as a `beautiful sight to behold’ [one of Nancy Pelosi’s brilliant comments]. Now Hong Kong is trying to set things right, but met with various criticisms from the US. The situation in Hong Kong has reversed in such a short period of time, which surprised Hong Kong secessionists and foreign forces. These wild forces are now disintegrated - some have been arrested and some fled. They are a group of ungrateful rabble. The changes in the situation of Hong Kong will make Washington depressed and frustrated. Without planted agents, the wind from the other side of the Pacific cannot create waves in Hong Kong. The violent forces who got swelled heads made Hong Kong descend into turbulence, but made more Hong Kong people realize that if the situation continued on like this, Hong Kong would have been ruined. There are increasingly more people supporting the central government and the Hong Kong government to adopt strong measures to stop violence and chaos. The public support the secessionists obtained through incitement and deceit is waning, and their days are numbered.The key is that the country is the backbone of Hong Kong. The central government will not allow these rioters to do whatever they want and will not allow external forces to destabilize Hong Kong. Neither the US nor the UK has the means and strengths to provide the expected support for Hong Kong secessionist forces. They don’t even have a moral excuse. From this perspective, Blinken’s interference in Hong Kong affairs is powerless and vile.”