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Genocidalist John Kerry Meets Satanist Pope Francis — They Get Along Well

The headline of the Vatican News today: “John Kerry: Pope Francis One of Greatest Voices on Climate Crisis.” Kerry gave the News an interview after his audience with Pope Francis.

Kerry said the Pope is “one of the great voices of reason and compelling moral authority on the subject of the climate crisis. He’s been ahead of the curve. He’s been a leader. His encyclical Laudato Sí is really a very, very powerful document, eloquent and morally very persuasive. And I think that his voice will be a very important voice leading up to and through the Glasgow conference, which I believe he intends to attend. So, we need everybody in this fight. All the leaders of the world need to come together and every country needs to do its part. And I think, I think His Holiness speaks with a moral authority that is quite separate. It’s unique and we need all the power we can bring to the table.”

We should recall that Laudato Sí, which EIR described as the “Encyclical from Hell,” had as a controlling author, one Hans Joachim (Sir John) Schellnhuber of Oxford, who stated that the maximum number of human beings which can be sustained by “Mother Earth” is “less than 1 billion.” see Paul Gallagher’s report: which quotes from the Pope’s Encyclical as follows:

“Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs,” the Encyclical opens.

“2. This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her. We have come to see ourselves as her lords and masters [having been given “dominion” over her, is a better translation of the original into English—ed.], entitled to plunder her at will.”

Kerry reported that President Biden has pledged to reduce U.S. emissions “over the next decade by 50 to 52%. But we need other big emitting countries to step up and also offer some reductions. You can’t just keep going along with a coal-fired power plant or with more coal coming online and really be the part of the solution that we need to have here.” This is of course not only a direct attack on China, but a call for death to Africa’s population.

Kerry also gave the Pope some marching orders: “But because he is above politics and outside of the hurly-burly of day-to-day, national conflict, etc. I think he can sort of shake people a little bit and bring them to the table with a better sense of our common obligation. And I think that the Vatican may be a small entity, but the flock is enormous on a global basis and His Holiness Pope Francis, has the ability to help galvanize action from countries.”