Jacques Cheminade to Xinhua: Chinese communists have accomplished great achievements in the country’s development.
Following the recent declaration initiated by Helga Zepp-LaRouche for cooperation with China, which was signed by many of the West’s China experts, signer Jacques Cheminade gave an interview to Chinese media on his thoughts about the rôle of the Chinese Communist Party today. (http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-05/24/c_139966122.htm)
“‘Chinese Communists have accomplished great achievements in the country’s development by living up to their all-for-the-people commitment,’ Jacques Cheminade, chairman of the French political party Solidarity and Progress, recently told Xinhua via video link. `For the Communist Party of China (CPC), loving people is not only a political commitment, but also the source of strength,’ said Cheminade.
“In his view, a political party must know well about and be linked to the history of its own country, which is exactly what the CPC has been doing. `In China, there is a vision of the future nourished by the past, by the Chinese history,’ said the party leader, referring to the Belt and Road Initiative as a case in point.