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After protests against moves to judicially remove several dozen Palestinians from their homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah were suppressed by Israeli authorities, anger about the ongoing cleansing of Palestinians was expressed by groupings of the many worshippers who had gathered — despite roadblocks and Israeli harassment — at the Al-Aqsa mosque to pray during the final days of the holy month of Ramadan.

A brutal attack on the mosque was launched by Israeli authorities, including rubber bullets, tear gas, noise grenades, and batons. Palestinian medics report that at least 180 Palestinians were injured and over 80 hospitalized.

Heart-wrenching footage of gas being used and crowd-control grenades being launched inside Islam’s most holy site in Jerusalem (and the third most important in the world) has been circulating on the internet, beyond the control of the pathetic spin put on the story by most of the legacy media.

Following this brazen assault, Hamas fired rockets from Gaza towards Jerusalem for the first time in many years, an action that predictably led to a violent response from Netanyahu. Israeli strikes killed at least 20 Palestinians, including many children.

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