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Surprise Effort Underway To Install Israeli Government without Netanyahu

The Chairman of the right-wing Israeli Yamina Party announced yesterday he is ready to create a new coalition government after Netanyahu failed — a failure due to discontent with his rule, Yovah Lazaroff reported in the Jerusalem Post May 30. Egypt held a series of simultaneous but separate conversations with Israelis and Palestinians, and plans to speak with Hamas in Gaza this week, the Post also reported yesterday.

Naftali Bennett, chairman of the Yamina Party, announced he is ready to create a new coalition government with Yair Lapid, chairman of the centrist Yesh Atid party. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said it could be a coalition government that Lapid would lead as the Prime Minister, or a government headed by another lawmaker. In order to form a government the party-winner of the Knesset parliamentary elections must have the support of 61 out of 120 MKs. Bennett previously served as a senior aide to Netanyahu and supported hardline policies.

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