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Informant Retracts Lie against Assange, as Snowden Calls Case Against Assange `Over’

June 28 (EIRNS — NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden declared the “end of the case against Julian Assange” in a jubilant tweet yesterday, after Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, an Icelandic citizen and former WikiLeaks volunteer, admitted to the Icelandic newspaper Stundin that he had turned FBI informant for $5,000, and fabricated important parts of what became the charges against Assange, RT reported June 26. []

Stundin details several parts of Thordarson’s testimony that he now denies, claiming that Assange never instructed him to carry out any hacking. The paper points out that even though a court in London has refused to extradite Assange to America on humanitarian grounds, it still sided with the United States when it came to claims — based on the testimony that informant Thordarson now denies!

Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald agreed with Snowden: “It should be” the end of the case against Assange, replying to Snowden’s tweet which he posts. At the beginning of June, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer called on the U.K. government to release Assange, and called his incarceration “One of the biggest judicial scandals in history.”