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Iraq Plans Eight Nuclear Reactors, Looks to Russia for Help

Iraq is seeking to build eight nuclear power plants by 2030, to eliminate its endemically bad electricity footprint, a product of destruction by the Children of Satan — most recently of George Bush’s 2003 Iraq War destruction, but going as far back as Israel’s 1981 bombing of the (almost complete) Osirak nuclear reactor. The oil-rich country, OPEC’s second-largest producer, is seeking to go nuclear partly under pressure from global green decarbonizers, who are trying to raze all oil production from the planet.

According to Bloomberg News, which interviewed Kamal Hussain Latif, chairman of the Iraqi Radioactive Sources Regulatory Authority, “Iraq is seeking to build eight reactors capable of producing about 11 GW.” The project is expected to cost about $40 billion and the Iraqi state is seeking outside partners to fund it through loans that it would pay back over 20 years. It has had talks on collaboration with France, the U.S., Russia and South Korea.

Detailing the sorry state of electricity in Iraq, Bloomberg reports that Iraq currently has 18.4 GW capacity, which includes 1.2 GW imported from Iran. They estimate “normal” demand to be 28 GW — exceeding 30 GW in the “torrid” summer months. By 2030, Iraq’s demand is expected to rise to 42 GW, so the 11 GW nuclear that they are seeking is right in step with demand.