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African Energy Chamber Seeks Boycott of Western Institutions Targetting Africa’s Fossil Fuels for Net Zero Emissions

The African Energy Chamber (AEC), representing African firms engaged in developing Africa’s fossil fuels, issued a July 13 call for “African countries to boycott [Western] companies that boycott African oil and gas,” in response to the Western companies, financial institutions, and political organizations calling for disinvestment from Africa’s fossil fuels to meet “net zero emissions” imposed by the Malthusian lobby.

The statement, “If you Boycott Africa’s Oil & Gas Sector, Africa Will Boycott You,” says that the policies, which are represented in actuality by the British Empire’s Great Reset, will cause suffering, and stunt Africa’s ability to “lift millions out of poverty and ensure that underdeveloped African nations have a chance at economic growth and progress.” []

The AEC posts a link to its call for an Africa-wide boycott on its homepage, accompanied by two photos: on the right showing mindless, chanting white protesters brandishing anti-fossil fuel signs; on the left showing African children, with pencils and writing tablets, doing their homework at night by kerosene lamps.

The call states:

“With the international community pushing for a rapid decrease in carbon emissions due to climate change ... the international community moves to boycott investments in the African energy sector, [as] African people and African development stand to suffer. The role of oil in Africa’s energy and economic future is apparent, and consequently, should be defended as Western elites move to disrupt African progress. The role of oil in Africa’s energy and economic future is apparent, and consequently, should be defended as Western elites move to disrupt African progress.

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