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Nord Stream 2 99% Completed; British Foot Soldiers in U.S. Make Threats

On July 28, Nord Stream 2 AG, the project operator for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, informed Tass that the gas pipeline, which will extend from Russia’s coast, across the Baltic Sea, and to Germany, is now 99% physically complete. The Akademik Chersky pipe-laying vessel, and the Fortuna pipe-laying barge, are working at the final section.

As the pipeline nears final completion, a troop of British foot-soldiers, consisting of Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa) and 11 other Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee, wrote a letter threatening to block two U.S. Treasury nominees, unless the Biden administration reverses its stance on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The letter, addressed to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yelen, begins, “If completed, this project will increase Vladimir Putin’s malign influence over Europe, destabilize Ukraine’s fragile security, and encourage further Russian aggression.” It appears that none of the Senators consulted a map, which would show that neither Germany nor Russia are states of the United States, and therefore are not subject to U.S. laws or jurisdiction.

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