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Wang Yi Opines, Throw the ‘Indo-Pacific Strategy’ into the Dustbin

China’s State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, keynoting the opening ceremony of the 9th World Peace Forum organized by Tsinghua University and Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs today, continued the review of the CPC’s past 100 years, and had strong words for the anti-China actions coming from the U.S. and the British.

On the pandemic, he said: “In the face of the COVID-19 fight, the U.S. pursued vaccine nationalism while China has made great contributions by providing vaccines to other countries. “So far, China has provided more than 480 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines across the world, covering nearly 100 countries,” Wang said, as quoted in Global TImes.

On Afghanistan, he said the U.S. started the war, and it should not just “pass the buck to others and walk away. As a friendly neighbor, China has always adhered to the Afghan peaceful reconciliation process led by Afghan people themselves.” On the Iranian nuclear issue, Wang said the U.S.’ unilateral withdrawal in 2018 from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and exerting its maximum pressure on Iran are the root causes of the current Iranian nuclear crisis.

Finally, reported Global Times, the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy, Wang said, is an example of “regression of history that should be swept into the dustbin. Dreaming the old dream of Cold War hegemony will not help win a promising future, let alone building a better world.” []