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Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod Appeals for Reflection and Soul-Searching after Kabul's Fall

COPENHAGEN, Aug. 16 (EIRNS) — During a press conference yesterday in the midst of the fall of Kabul, after stating that the Danish government was concentrating on doing everything it could to evacuate the Danish embassy staff, other Danes and Afghans who aided the Danish mission, a visibly shaken Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod (Social Democrat) said that this was not the time for a full analysis of these events, but that: “The way we are leaving Afghanistan is by no means the way we want to leave Afghanistan. I want to emphasize that. What we are seeing now calls for reflection and soul-searching by the international coalition, by NATO, by all of us who have been behind the efforts in Afghanistan for almost two decades. The reality we are seeing is completely different from the analyses. The Afghan army and government were perhaps more of a mirage than a reality.”

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